Posted on 16/10/2019

Inclusion through sport in Nicaragua

Fondation Dora is supporting a new project in Nicaragua, led by the Eirene Suisse Association; the project is run locally by the Los Pipitos organization and its goal is to improve the quality of life of young people with disabilities by using sports as a means of inclusion.

600 children, adolescents, and young adults with disabilities as well as their families will benefit from this program along with the 50 instructors and collaborators of Los Pipitos.

To facilitate their work over a period of two years, Eirene Suisse will offer Los Pipitos a volunteer sports and health professional who is specialized in the inclusion of children with disabilities through sport. 


The volunteer, Tamara Strasser, has a Master of Science degree in movement and sport, with a specialization in physical activities and health suitable for this population of kids. She has broadened her skill set by taking an advanced studies certificate in health and community health promotion.

Los Pipitos is an association for parents with children with disabilities. Its main goal is “empowering” the families involved to help achieve a better quality of life for their children. Los Pipitos bases its work on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.


Eirene Suisse is a non-profit public-welfare association, free of political or religious ideology. It is a development cooperation association through the exchange of individuals, meaning that its work involves sending qualified professionals to partner associations in the South.